Refund policy

Refund policy

Stockimagemart offers a 100% refund in case of non-delivery of agreed service. The customer will NOT be eligible for a refund under the following circumstances:

  • If the customer’s page cannot be published due to lack of notability.
  • If the customer had not been fully transparent in providing information about any and all previous attempts to create their Wikipedia page.
  • If the customer (after the service has been delivered) has a change of mind i.e., they do not want the purchased service due to any reason.
  • If the customer wants information in the draft that in any way does not comply with Wikipedia policies and seeks a refund due to that.
  • If the customer has been blocked/banned by Wikipedia due to prior attempts to creating a page.
  • If the customer’s page goes down for any reason after more than 14 days of the page going live on Wikipedia.
  • If the customer requests edits on their page that do not comply with Wikipedia policies.


Customer Product Cancellation Policy

If the final product does not meet your standards a refund may be arranged under certain circumstances. In order to request a refund, you must get in contact with us via email at [email protected]. Once the refund request has been sent, you can expect an email back from us within 48 hours.